Reiki Origins: Exploring the Ancient and Modern History of Reiki

Posted on September 3rd, 2024 


Reiki, a healing practice that has gained popularity worldwide, has its roots deeply embedded in history. To fully appreciate the power and effectiveness of Reiki, it’s essential to understand where it comes from and how it has evolved over time. In this article, we’ll take a journey back to explore the origins of Reiki, tracing its development from ancient spiritual practices to the modern-day healing technique that so many rely on for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


The Concept and Philosophy of Reiki 

Rooted in Japanese tradition, the concept and philosophy of Reiki are deeply intertwining aspects of its practice. At its essence, Reiki is an energy healing modality initially developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It is founded on the belief that a universal life force flows through all living beings and is integral to our wellbeing. When this energy is low or blocked, individuals may not only feel fatigued or stressed, but they may also experience physical or emotional imbalances. The origins of Reiki, therefore, emphasize the importance of harnessing this life force to restore balance and promote healing. Every time you engage in Reiki practice—whether through classes or healing sessions—you essentially become a conduit, channeling this universal energy to harmonize and invigorate both the mind and body. 

As we delve into the origins of Reiki, it is essential to comprehend its core philosophies. Reiki is built upon five precepts, or principles, which serve as spiritual guidelines for daily living. These precepts include: Just for today, do not worry; Just for today, do not anger; Be kind to people; Earn your living honestly; and Show gratitude to every living thing. These guiding principles are considered fundamental for personal development and spiritual growth.  


Early History and Development 

Mikao Usui, largely credited as the founder of Reiki, embarked on a profound spiritual journey that led to the creation of this healing practice. He was born in 1865 in the village of Taniai in Japan. From a young age, Usui was deeply interested in spiritual matters, and he dedicated much of his life to seeking spiritual knowledge. His pursuits took him through various disciplines, including Shingon and Tendai Buddhism. However, it was a pivotal moment in his life—the ascetic practice on Mount Kurama—that marked a significant turning point in the history and origins of Reiki. Usui reportedly underwent a 21-day fasting and meditative retreat on this sacred mountain, a practice known as "kigai," during which he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. On the final day, he received an immense influx of energy, which he later identified as Reiki energy. This moment of enlightenment served as the catalyst for developing what we now know as Reiki. 

Understanding the historical context in which Usui developed Reiki helps to appreciate the practice's uniqueness. The early 20th century in Japan was a period characterized by significant cultural and social transformations, blending traditional beliefs with modern influences. Following his transformative experience on Mount Kurama, Usui dedicated himself to refining and teaching his methods of energy healing. He synthesized elements from his extensive spiritual studies—merging aspects of Buddhist philosophy, Shinto beliefs, and his learnings from various martial arts and folk medicine.  


Spreading the Practice 

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that has gained popularity in recent years. Its origins can be traced back to Japan in the early 20th century, and it is based on the belief that the practitioner can transfer universal energy to the patient through touch. Reiki has been used to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. If you are interested in spreading the practice of Reiki, here are some key tips to help you get started:  

  • Start by educating yourself about the history and principles of Reiki. This will give you a solid foundation to share with others. 
  • Connect with other Reiki practitioners and teachers in your local community. They can provide support and guidance as you begin your journey. 
  • Offer free or low-cost Reiki sessions to friends and family. This will help you gain experience and spread the word about Reiki. 
  • Create a website or social media page to promote your Reiki services. This will allow you to reach a wider audience and connect with potential clients. 
  • Consider hosting workshops or classes to teach others about Reiki. This can help expand the practice and create a community of Reiki practitioners. 

Remember, spreading the practice of Reiki is not about making a profit, but about sharing the healing benefits with others. By following these key tips and staying true to the principles of Reiki, you can help spread this powerful practice to more people. Together, we can create a more peaceful and balanced world, one Reiki session at a time. 


Modern Day Reiki: Evolution and Practice 

As Reiki made its way to the West, it naturally evolved to meet the cultural and spiritual needs of its new practitioners. This adaptation resulted in the emergence of diverse schools and lineages within the global Reiki community. Usui Shiki Ryoho, introduced by Hawayo Takata, remains one of the most recognized forms, emphasizing a structured approach to attunements and training. Over time, other branches such as Karuna Reiki, developed by William Lee Rand, have emerged. Karuna Reiki incorporates chanting and toning into the healing process, adding another dimension to the practice. Similarly, Jikiden Reiki, founded by Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son Tadao, stays closely aligned with Usui's original methods but removes some of the Westernizations introduced by Takata.  

Today's Reiki practitioners often blend traditional teachings with contemporary practices, reflecting the modality's adaptability. Many incorporate Reiki into other wellness and holistic health practices, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Despite these variations, the core principles remain the same, honoring the spirit of Mikao Usui's original teachings. The global acceptance of Reiki has been phenomenal, with practitioners and clients from diverse backgrounds embracing its benefits. Hospitals, cancer treatment centers, and hospice care facilities often include Reiki as a complementary therapy to conventional medical treatments.  


Related: Why Reiki is Beneficial for Pregnancy and Childbirth 



The origins of Reiki can be traced back to Japan in the early 1900s, where it was formally developed by Mikao Usui. This healing technique has since spread to other parts of the world and has been adapted by different cultures and belief systems. Through its evolution, Reiki has remained centered on the belief in the universal life force energy and the power of touch to promote healing and well-being. By exploring its historical perspective, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the practice of Reiki and its impact on individuals and communities. 

At Everyday Miracles Reiki, we are committed to supporting your healing and spiritual growth. Our offerings, from Reiki Classes to Reiki Sessions, are designed to cater to individuals at any stage of their Reiki journey. By immersing yourself in the rich lineage and dynamic practice of Reiki, you align with a tradition that bridges the past and present, offering enduring wisdom for future well-being. Whether you prefer a personalized session or a communal learning experience, our offerings are tailored to support your unique path. For more information, reach out to us at [email protected] or call us at (310) 817-1997. Join us in this journey of energy and light healing, and discover the profound impact that Reiki can have on your life and the lives of those around you.

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