Key Research-Backed Benefits of Tapping and Daily Implementation Strategies

Posted on April 8th, 2024.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, finding effective ways to manage stress and promote well-being is essential. Enter Tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a simple yet powerful self-help tool gaining popularity for its numerous benefits. Backed by research, Tapping offers a holistic approach to addressing physical and emotional challenges.

Let's delve into the key benefits of Tapping and explore daily implementation strategies to incorporate this technique into your routine seamlessly.

What is EFT Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), commonly known as Tapping, is a therapeutic modality that combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure points and modern psychology to promote emotional well-being and relieve stress. This innovative technique harnesses the body's energy system to address emotional, mental, spiritual and physical imbalances, offering a holistic approach to healing and transformation.

Understanding the Basics of EFT Tapping

At its core, EFT Tapping involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while simultaneously focusing on a specific issue, emotion, or belief. These acupressure points, known as meridian points, correspond to various energy channels within the body and are thought to be connected to specific emotions and experiences.

The Tapping Process

The Tapping process typically begins by identifying a specific issue or emotion that you'd like to address, such as anxiety, stress, pain, or limiting beliefs. Once you've identified the issue, you'll rate the intensity of the emotion on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense.

Next, you'll begin Tapping on a series of acupressure points on the body while simultaneously repeating a specific affirmation or reminder phrase related to the issue. As you tap on each point, you'll continue to focus on the emotion or issue at hand, allowing any associated thoughts, sensations, or memories to arise.

The Science Behind EFT Tapping

While the mechanisms of EFT Tapping are still being explored, research suggests that this technique may help to reduce the body's stress response, promote relaxation, and rewire neural pathways associated with negative emotions and beliefs. By tapping on specific acupressure points, EFT is thought to stimulate the body's energy system and promote the release of emotional and energetic blockages.

Benefits of EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping offers a wide range of benefits for emotional and physical well-being, including:

  • Stress Reduction: Tapping helps lower cortisol levels, promoting relaxation.
  • Anxiety Relief: It calms the nervous system, reducing feelings of anxiety.
  • Pain Management: Tapping can reduce the perception of pain, aiding in chronic pain management.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Helps relax the mind and body for deeper sleep.
  • Enhanced Emotional Resilience: Supports acknowledging and releasing pent-up emotions.
  • Boosted Energy Levels: Revitalizes the body and combats fatigue.
  • Increased Focus and Clarity: Clears mental clutter for improved concentration.
  • Weight Management Support: Addresses emotional eating habits and supports mindful eating.
  • Self-Confidence Enhancement: Dissolves limiting beliefs and boosts self-esteem.
  • Improved Relationships: Fosters communication and deepens connections.
  • Stress-Free Travel: Manages travel-related stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced Athletic Performance: Calms pre-game nerves and improves focus.
  • Creative Inspiration: Overcomes creative blocks and stimulates innovation.
  • Pain-Free Childbirth: Aids in managing labor pain and anxiety during childbirth.
  • Smoking Cessation Support: Helps address emotional triggers associated with smoking and other addictions.
  • Financial Abundance Mindset: Shifts limiting beliefs around money and prosperity.
  • Improved Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive issues by reducing stress.
  • Holistic Well-Being: Promotes overall well-being, encompassing mind, body, and spirit.

Tapping Strategies Revealed

Stress Reduction: Begin by Tapping on the karate chop point (middle point of fleshy, outer edge of hand) while repeating a setup statement such as "Even though I feel stressed, I deeply and completely accept myself." Then, tap on the following points (between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle of the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, top of the head) while focusing on the stressors. Repeat the process for 3-5 rounds, taking deep breaths between each round.

Anxiety Relief: Tap on the karate chop point while saying "Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Proceed to tap through the acupressure points: between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, below and under the middle of the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "I am calm and at peace" or "I release this anxiety from my body." Repeat for 3-5 rounds.

Pain Management: Focus on the specific area of pain while tapping on the karate chop point and repeating a setup statement like "Even though I feel this pain, I deeply and completely accept myself." Then, tap between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "This pain is diminishing" or "I am comfortable and at ease." Repeat for 3-5 rounds.

Weight Management Support: Tap on the karate chop point while repeating a setup statement such as "Even though I struggle with my weight, I deeply and completely accept myself." Proceed to tap between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle of the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "I nourish my body with healthy choices" or "I release excess weight with ease." Repeat for 3-5 rounds, focusing on positive intentions for your weight management journey.

Self-Confidence Enhancement: Begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying "Even though I doubt myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Then, tap between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "I am confident and capable" or "I trust in my abilities." Repeat for 3-5 rounds, allowing feelings of self-assurance to grow with each tap.

Pain-Free Childbirth: Tap on the karate chop point while repeating a setup statement such as "Even though I fear labor pain, I deeply and completely trust my body." Proceed to tap between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle of the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "My body knows how to birth my baby safely and comfortably" or "I surrender to the natural process of childbirth." Repeat for 3-5 rounds, visualizing a smooth and pain-free birthing experience.

Financial Abundance Mindset: Tap on the karate chop point while repeating a setup statement such as "Even though I struggle with money, I deeply and completely accept myself." Proceed to tap between the eyebrows, at the side of the eye, under and below the middle of the eye, under the nose, chin (just below the mouth), collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head, using affirmations like "I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity" or "Money flows to me effortlessly and abundantly." Repeat for 3-5 rounds, cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude.

Combining EFT with Reiki

Now, using any of the above-recommended EFT Tapping scripts, intentionally add Reiki to the process. For those of you who have already received Reiki attunements, ignitions or placements, before starting a Tapping session, merely ask the Reiki to start flowing and it will. Next invite and welcome in the Highest and Holiest of Reiki Healing energies and ask that it flow well and strongly to your best and highest good, healing you so that you may be of greater service to yourself and others. Once you feel the Reiki energy flowing through you, go through any of the above-listed tapping scripts. Choose one that appeals to you. The Universal Life force Energy you are channeling with Reiki will help gently reinforce the changes in mental, physical, emotional and psychological patterns that you are working on, improving correcting or eliminating. Adding Reiki to this simple yet effective practice is a way of taking this process to a whole new level. Try it for a week and record your progress in a journal. You will be amazed with the results!

Reach out

Discover the transformative power of Tapping when combined with Reiki and unlock a path to holistic well-being. Reach out to Everyday Miracles Reiki at 1-310-817-1997 or [email protected] to learn more about healing sessions tailored to your needs.

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