How to Prepare for a Reiki Session: Tips for Active Participation

Posted on Oct 23rd, 2023.

Reiki, the ancient Japanese practice of channeling healing energy, has gained popularity as a gentle yet powerful modality for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

While many believe that a Reiki session requires passive acceptance, active participation plays a significant role in the process. 

In this article, we will explore how to prepare for a Reiki session and why being an active and willing participant can enhance the healing experience.

Let's dive into it!

A Brief Overview of Reiki

Reiki is a holistic healing practice with roots in ancient Japan, where "rei" translates to "universal" or "spiritual," and "ki" or "qi" refers to "life force energy." At its core, Reiki involves channeling this universal life force energy to promote healing, balance, and harmony within the recipient's body, mind, and spirit.

Here's a more detailed explanation of how Reiki works:

Life Force Energy

Reiki operates on the fundamental belief that life force energy flows through all living beings. This energy is responsible for our vitality and overall well-being. When our life force energy is abundant and flows freely, we experience good health and emotional balance. Conversely, blockages or disruptions in this energy can lead to physical or emotional imbalances and discomfort.

The Role of the Practitioner

A trained Reiki practitioner serves as a conduit for this universal life force energy. Through attunements and extensive training, they learn to connect with and channel this energy to the recipient. It's important to note that the energy used in Reiki is not the practitioner's personal energy; rather, it's a limitless, universal energy source.

Hands-On or Distance Healing

Reiki sessions can be conducted in two primary ways: hands-on or through distance healing. In a traditional hands-on session, the practitioner lightly places their hands on or near specific areas of the recipient's body. Reiki energy flows through the practitioner's hands and into the recipient, working to clear blockages, release tension, and promote relaxation.

Distance healing, on the other hand, doesn't require physical proximity. The practitioner can send Reiki energy across any distance, making it a valuable option for those unable to attend in-person sessions. The energy is directed to the recipient with a specific intention, and it can be equally effective as hands-on Reiki.

Balancing Energy Centers

Referred to as Chakras, Reiki often focuses on balancing the recipient's energy centers. These energy centers are believed to correspond to various aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By channeling Reiki energy to the Chakras, practitioners aim to remove energy blockages, restore balance, and enhance overall vitality.

The Healing Process

During a Reiki session, recipients may experience various sensations, including warmth, tingling, or a sense of deep relaxation. These sensations are often signs that the energy is working to clear blockages and restore equilibrium.

Reiki is a gentle yet profound healing modality that can address a wide range of issues, including stress, anxiety, physical pain, emotional trauma, and more. While its effects can vary from person to person, many report feelings of deep peace, rejuvenation, and improved well-being after a session.

Active Participation

Contrary to common belief, Reiki recipients are not passive receivers during a session. Active participation involves setting intentions, maintaining an open mind, inviting, welcoming in and embracing the energy as it flows. The recipient's role is to be open to the healing process on all levels - physically, mentally emotionally, and spiritually - and to actively engage with the energy as it works to restore balance.

In essence, Reiki is a collaborative healing experience between the practitioner and the recipient. It combines the practitioner's skill in channeling energy with the recipient's active participation and intention-setting, resulting in a holistic approach to healing and well-being.

As you prepare for your Reiki session, remember that your active involvement can amplify the healing effects and create a deeper connection with the universal life force energy. In the following section we'll see how you can prepare to be an active participant in your Reiki session.

The Importance of Being a Willing Participant in Your Healing Journey

In the realm of Reiki and energy healing, the active participation of the recipient is a fundamental aspect of the healing process. While many may believe that healing is solely the responsibility of the practitioner, it's essential to recognize the pivotal role that the recipient plays in their own healing journey. Here are key reasons why being a willing and engaged participant is of paramount importance:

Intentions and Focus

Your intentions are carried by the energy flow during a Reiki session. By setting clear and positive intentions, you direct the healing energy to specific areas or aspects of your life that require attention. Your focused intent empowers the energy to work more effectively towards your goals.

Alignment and Receptivity

An open and receptive mindset aligns you with the healing energy. When you approach a session with a willingness to receive, you create a harmonious resonance between your own energy and the universal life force energy channeled by the practitioner. This alignment enhances the energy's capacity to facilitate healing.

Release and Transformation

Inner healing often involves the release of stagnant or negative energy patterns within your body and spirit which no longer serve you. As an active participant, you can facilitate this process by acknowledging and letting go of emotional or energetic blockages. Your willingness to release what no longer serves you opens the door to transformation and growth.

Self-Healing Potential

Reiki and energy healing stimulate your body's innate self-healing mechanisms. When you actively engage with the energy, you tap into your body's wisdom and ability to restore balance. Your participation amplifies the energy's impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Awareness and Connection

Actively participating in your healing journey fosters a deeper awareness of your own energy and inner dynamics. You become attuned to subtle shifts, sensations, and emotions during a session. This heightened awareness allows you to connect with your inner self and gain insights into areas that may require healing or attention.


Embracing your role as an active participant empowers you to take charge of your own well-being. You become a direct agent of change in your healing process, which can extend beyond the Reiki session into your daily life. This empowerment can lead to greater self-confidence and resilience.

Holistic Healing

Reiki encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being. Active participation ensures that you address your holistic well-being comprehensively. By engaging with the energy on all levels, you support a more profound and balanced healing experience.

Collaborative Energy

Reiki is a collaborative effort between the practitioner, the recipient, and the universal life force energy itself. Your active participation creates a dynamic synergy between these elements, enhancing the effectiveness of the healing session.

Now, let's consider some practical tips to prepare to be an active participant in your Reiki session.

Tips for Active Participation in Reiki

Active participation in your Reiki session begins before you even step into the healing space. Preparing your mindset and intentions sets the stage for a more profound and effective healing experience. Here are some tips to help you get ready:

1. Set Clear Intentions

Before your session, take some time to reflect on your goals and intentions for the healing. What areas of your life or well-being would you like to address? Setting clear and positive intentions directs the energy toward specific outcomes. Whether it's stress reduction, emotional healing, or physical wellness, articulating your intentions empowers the energy to work in alignment with your needs.

2. Create a Comfortable Environment

Ensure that the physical space where your Reiki session will take place is comfortable and conducive to relaxation. Dim the lights, play soothing music if desired, consider using a scented oil diffuser and make sure you're comfortably dressed. A calm and tranquil environment enhances your receptivity to the healing energy.

3. Open Your Mind and Heart

Approach the session with an open and receptive mindset. Let go of any preconceived notions or expectations about the experience. Be willing to accept the healing energy and trust in the process. Cultivate a sense of openness in both your mind and your heart.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness by focusing on your breath and staying present in the moment. This helps you connect with your inner self and become attuned to the subtle shifts and sensations that may occur during the session. Mindfulness promotes a deeper connection with the energy and enhances your overall experience.

5. Release Attachments

During the session, it's beneficial to release attachments to specific outcomes. Trust that the energy knows what is best for your highest good. Detaching from rigid expectations allows the healing energy to flow freely and work in ways that may surpass your initial intentions.

6. Communicate with Your Practitioner

Maintain open communication with your Reiki practitioner. Share any relevant information about your physical or emotional state and any specific areas of concern. Your practitioner can tailor the session to address your unique needs and provide guidance on how to actively engage with the energy.

7. Practice Gratitude

Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to receive Reiki healing. Gratitude opens the heart and invites positive energy into your experience. Expressing appreciation for the healing process enhances its effectiveness.

8. Be Patient with Yourself

Remember that healing is a journey, and each session contributes to your overall well-being. Be patient with yourself and honor your unique process. Sometimes, healing occurs gradually, and it's essential to trust in the unfolding of your healing journey.

By preparing yourself to be an active participant in your Reiki session, you not only enhance the effectiveness of the healing but also deepen your connection with the energy and your inner self. Embrace this opportunity for self-care and transformation, and allow Reiki to guide you toward greater health, balance, and vitality.


Preparing for a Reiki session involves much more than passive acceptance; it requires active participation, intention setting, and mindfulness. By actively engaging with the Reiki energy, you can enhance its effectiveness and experience a deeper level of healing. 

At Everyday Miracles Reiki, we invite you to embrace your role as co-creator of your well-being, and let the transformative power of Reiki guide you on your journey to greater health and vitality.

Request a complimentary session now!

If you're ready to experience the benefits of a Reiki session, contact us by telephone at (310) 817-1997 or via email at [email protected] . We're here to support your healing journey and guide you toward a brighter, more balanced future.

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